Upcoming Events at Camp

Winter Camp 2023
Don’t sit around this winter being bored – come chill out with your friends at Winter Camp! Scouts are invited out to T. Brady Saunders January 13th – 16th, 2023 to get out of the house, have some fun, and earn merit badges. We can’t think of a cooler way to enjoy winter than being at camp.

Back-At-Camp Council Camporee
After a tough couple of years, it’s time to get back to what we all love to do – Scouting with lots of friends! This will be a fun and memorable weekend for all Scouts and a time to catch up with old friends.
Think of it as a Council-sized National or World Scout Jamboree! Units will select a country or state (not Virginia) to represent during the weekend, and showcase that culture at times throughout the weekend. Check-in on Friday evening. There will be interactive Scout Skills Challenges and activities for all ages, presented by units and volunteers on Saturday morning. A cultural showcase, with games and songs) of other countries or state will be presented Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening promises a spectacular campfire and plenty of entertainment. We’ll wrap up our Camporee with a Scouts’ Own Service on Sunday morning.